IOU App - Keeping Track of things you Lend and Borrow
Why IOU App
Imagine you lend a book, tools, clothes, cables, anything else or even small amounts of money to family, friends, neighbours or work colleagues - both of you kind of forget and you never hear about it again, delays in returns etc. Annoying...
The IOU App creates a virtual representation of a lend or borrow (or any other obligation) to help you track and manage your items.
How it works
Create a new IOU containing info on the borrowed item, the borrower and a return date.
Borrower is sent a message and asked to accept the IOU and acknowledge the item has been borrowed.
The IOU app then lists all your items lent and borrowed and helps you to manage them by sending reminders or extending return dates.
You can close the IOU when the item is returned or even decide to gift the item to the borrower.
The IOU app will also record all IOU related messages in the app so you can keep a trail of the communication around your lending and borrowing.
Google Play Store link